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Slides for SANER ’22 talk now available

Slides for our SANER 2022 talk on “Automated Evolution of Feature Logging Statement Levels Using Git Histories and Degree of Interest” are now available!

Paper on feature log level rejuvenation to be presented at SANER ’22

I am pleased to announce that our journal paper, “Automated Evolution of Feature Logging Statement Levels Using Git Histories and Degree of Interest,” has been accepted to the journal-first track of the IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER ’22). The paper originally appeared in Science of Computer Programming and will now also be presented at the conference. SANER is a CORE A conference, and the 2022 edition is scheduled to be held next March in Honolulu, Hawaii. Congrats to Yiming, Allan, and Mehdi!

Allan successfully defends his thesis

Congrats to Allan Spektor for successfully defending his MA thesis, entitled Two Techniques for Automated Logging Statement Evolution, yesterday! Thank you to Subash Shankar and Saptarshi Debroy for agreeing to participate on the committee, Khant Ko Naing for administering the defense, and the student participants for their insightful questions. Congrats, Allan!

Allan defending his thesis.

Upcoming Event: Towards Improving Interface Modularity in Legacy Java Software Through Automated Refactoring at the Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

I’ll be giving a talk on improving interface modularity in legacy Java software through automated refactoring at the CST Colloquium next month.

The skeletal implementation pattern is a software design pattern consisting of defining an abstract class that provides a partial interface implementation. However, since Java allows only single cl…

Source: Upcoming Events | Towards Improving Interface Modularity in Legacy Java Software Through Automated Refactoring | Computer Systems Technology Colloquium