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Tag Archives: workshop
Program committee member for PLRP’18
I have been invited to serve on the program committee (PC) for the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Programming Languages Research & Practice (PLRP’18) of COMPSAC 2018. The workshop is organized by Hua Ming and Mehdi Bagherzadeh of Oakland University. We look forward to the submissions. The call for papers is listed below: (more…)
Organizer for the 2018 International Workshop on API Usage and Evolution (WAPI’18) at ICSE’18
I am pleased to announce that our workshop entitled International Workshop on API Usage and Evolution has been accepted at the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), to take place May 27-June 3 2018, in Gothenburg, Sweden. The workshop is being co-organized with Sven Amann, Sarah Nadi, Hoan Nguyen, and Tien Nguyen.
Paper at the International Workshop on Language Modularity À La Mode (LaMOD’16)
I am pleased to announce that our paper on improving interface modularity in legacy Java software through automated refactoring has been accepted at the International Workshop on Language Modularity À La Mode (LaMOD’16), to be held at the International Conference on Software Modularity (MODULARITY’16) later next month in Málaga, Spain. Congrats, @oamoore and @hmasuhara!
LaMOD’16: Language Modularity À La Mode – Modularity 2016
Please consider sending a paper to LaMOD’16: Language Modularity À La Mode – Modularity 2016! Deadline is January 15, 2016.
Organizer for the 2016 International Workshop on Language Modularity (LaMod’16) at MODULARITY’16
I am pleased to announce that our workshop proposal, the 2016 International Workshop on Language Modularity (LaMod’16), has been accepted for the 15th International Conference on Software Modularity (MODULARITY’16). I will be one of three organizers. More details, including a CfP, to follow.