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Slides for SANER ’22 talk now available
Slides for our SANER 2022 talk on “Automated Evolution of Feature Logging Statement Levels Using Git Histories and Degree of Interest” are now available!
Named CoSEDS ’22 PC co-chair
I am honored to have been named program committee (PC) co-chair for the 2022 Conference on Software Engineering & Data Sciences (CoSEDS).
Invited to CoSEDS ’22 PC
I have been invited to serve as a program committee (PC) member for the 2022 Conference on Software Engineering & Data Sciences (CoSEDS). Please consider submitting! Abstracts and papers are due December 15, 2021, and December 25, 2021, respectively.
New student Ye joins the team

Please welcome Ye Paing to the team! Ye is a part-time Master’s student in Computer Science at Hunter; he works full-time as a Software Engineer at AMEX. He is interested in exploring reactive web development for data-intensive applications, NLP, and large-scale textual analysis. Outside of work and school, he spends time volunteering for Code Nation, a nonprofit organization that teaches React web-development to high school students. His hobbies are photography, traveling, and exploring new cuisines.
Ye has taken several advanced classes in Programming Languages and Software Engineering at Hunter. He was also an active participant at NYPLSE 2019 that took place at Hunter. Ye will be working on data mining software engineering artifacts, possibly in real-time. Welcome, Ye!
New student Manal joins the team
We have a new master’s student, Manal Zneit, joining us! Manal has a background in Mathematics, and she is now pursuing a degree in Computer Science. Manal is also an adjunct lecturer at CUNY Lehman College, where she teaches various introductory programming classes. She will be working on research at the intersection of Software Engineering, Programming Languages, and Data Science. Welcome, Manal!
Received EAPLS best paper award at FASE 2020
We are honored to receive the 2020 European Association for Programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS) best paper award at the 2020 International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE ’20) for our paper entitled, “An Empirical Study on the Use and Misuse of Java 8 Streams” with Yiming Tang, Mehdi Beherdezeh, and Baishakhi Ray. (more…)
Graduate Research Assistant Positions in Programming Languages and Software Engineering
Graduate Research Assistant Position in Programming Languages and Software Engineering
I am currently seeking a graduate student interested in programming languages and software engineering research to commence at the Fall 2020 semester. While the topic is open, potential research topics may include (static/dynamic) program analysis and/or transformation (e.g., refactoring) with a focus on helping to maintain and/or evolve large and complex software efficiently, effectively, and securely. Potential topics may also include automated bug finding approaches and empirical studies. The successful candidate will be expected to work on projects that normally yield open source developer tool research prototypes, typically plug-ins to popular IDEs, build systems, or static analyzers. More information can be found on the main supervisor’s web page.
Of particular interest are students interested in applying to the City University of New York – CUNY’s Graduate Center Ph.D. program in Computer Science concurrently with the research assistantship.
Please see below for additional details on applying. (more…)
Paper on big data developers accepted at ESEC/FSE 2019
Our new paper entitled, “Going Big: a Large-scale Study on What Big Data Developers Ask” has been accepted to the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) 2019 technical track! Out of 303 submissions, 74 papers were accepted (an acceptance rate of 24.4%). The conference will be held in Tallinn, Estonia later this year.
Paper on stream parallelization refactoring accepted at ICSE 2019
Our new paper entitled, “Safe Automated Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 Streams” has been accepted to the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2019 technical track! Out of 529 submissions, 109 papers were accepted (an acceptance rate of 20.6%). The conference will be held in Montréal later next year. An abstract is listed below. (more…)
Received JSPS US Alumni Association Seminar Program grant
I am pleased to announce that the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) US Alumni Association (AA) has generously awarded a grant to host a seminar on programming languages and software engineering in New York City! Plans are currently in the works for a seminary to be held in early 2019. Stay tuned!