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Tag Archives: ase 2023
Preprint of ASE ’23 DL refactoring paper now available
A preprint of our ASE ’23 paper on refactoring imperative Deep Learning programs to graphs is now available.
Tatiana to present at the ASE 2023 doctoral forum
Tatiana will present at the Doctoral Forum of the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023) next month in Luxembourg! The goal of the ASE 2023 Doctoral Forum is to provide PhD students the opportunity to present and discuss their doctoral research with senior researchers in the software engineering community. Tatiana will be presenting her ongoing work on analyzing and transforming imperative Deep Learning programs in Python. Congrats, Tatiana, for having your paper accepted!
Paper on refactoring imperative Deep Learning programs to graphs accepted at ASE ’23 NIER
Our paper entitled, “Towards Safe Automated Refactoring of Imperative Deep Learning Programs to Graph Execution” has been accepted to the New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) track at the IEEE/ACM 2023 International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)! Out of 70 papers, 25 were accepted, amounting to a 35.7% acceptance rate. The conference will take place later this year in Kirchberg, Luxembourg.
Congratulations to Tatiana, Mehdi, Nan, and Anita, and thank you for all of your hard work!