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Tag Archives: programming languages
Received EAPLS best paper award at FASE 2020
We are honored to receive the 2020 European Association for Programming Languages and Systems (EAPLS) best paper award at the 2020 International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE ’20) for our paper entitled, “An Empirical Study on the Use and Misuse of Java 8 Streams” with Yiming Tang, Mehdi Beherdezeh, and Baishakhi Ray. (more…)
Graduate Research Assistant Positions in Programming Languages and Software Engineering
Graduate Research Assistant Position in Programming Languages and Software Engineering
I am currently seeking a graduate student interested in programming languages and software engineering research to commence at the Fall 2020 semester. While the topic is open, potential research topics may include (static/dynamic) program analysis and/or transformation (e.g., refactoring) with a focus on helping to maintain and/or evolve large and complex software efficiently, effectively, and securely. Potential topics may also include automated bug finding approaches and empirical studies. The successful candidate will be expected to work on projects that normally yield open source developer tool research prototypes, typically plug-ins to popular IDEs, build systems, or static analyzers. More information can be found on the main supervisor’s web page.
Of particular interest are students interested in applying to the City University of New York – CUNY’s Graduate Center Ph.D. program in Computer Science concurrently with the research assistantship.
Please see below for additional details on applying. (more…)
Program committee (PC) member for ECOOP 2020
I am excited and honored to be invited to participate as a program committee (PC) member of the 34th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2020)! The submission deadline is January 10, 2020. Please consider submitting!
Received JSPS US Alumni Association Seminar Program grant
I am pleased to announce that the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) US Alumni Association (AA) has generously awarded a grant to host a seminar on programming languages and software engineering in New York City! Plans are currently in the works for a seminary to be held in early 2019. Stay tuned!
New doctoral student Harun Iftikhar to join in Fall 2018

A new doctoral student, Harun Iftikhar, will join our team starting this Fall semester! Harun will enter the PhD program in Computer Science at the CUNY Graduate Center as a half CUNY Graduate Center Science Fellow, which offers salary for two years and tuition for ten semesters.
Harun’s research interests are in programming languages, software engineering, and natural language processing. He previously attended Cornell University for his undergraduate degree as an English major and has attended Brooklyn College and Columbia University for Computer Science as a graduate student. Before college, he went to high school in Islamabad, Pakistan. His hobbies are cricket and tennis. Congrats, Harun, and welcome to the team!
Program committee member for PLRP’18
I have been invited to serve on the program committee (PC) for the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Programming Languages Research & Practice (PLRP’18) of COMPSAC 2018. The workshop is organized by Hua Ming and Mehdi Bagherzadeh of Oakland University. We look forward to the submissions. The call for papers is listed below: (more…)
Paper accepted at ‹Programming› 2018
I am pleased to announce that our paper entitled, “Proactive empirical assessment of new language feature adoption via automated refactoring: The case of Java 8 default methods,” has been accepted at the 2018 International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (‹Programming› 2018)! The conference will take place in Nice, France later this year. (more…)
Talk at IBM Programming Languages Day 2017 on December 4
I will be giving a talk at the 2017 IBM Programming Languages Day on December 4 at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY. I will be discussing our recent work on empirically assessing new language features proactively via automated refactoring.
NJPLS at Princeton University, November 20th, 2017
I will be giving a talk at the New Jersey Programming Languages and Systems (NJPLS) seminar at Princeton University on November 20th, 2017 on Automated Refactoring of Legacy Java Software to Default Methods. (more…)