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Preprint of ICSE 2017 Default Method Refactoring paper now available

A preprint of our ICSE 2017 paper on Default Method Refactoring is now available.

Slides for Default Method Refactoring talk at GMU available

The slides from yesterday’s talk at GMU on Default Method Refactoring are now available. (more…)

Paper on Default Method Refactoring accepted at ICSE 2017

Our new paper on default method refactoring has been accepted for inclusion in the proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, to be held in Buenos Aires in 2017! The conference accepted a total of 68 submissions out of 398 reviewed (17%) and 415 submitted (16%).

Journal version of Automated Refactoring of Legacy Software to Enumerated Types to appear in Automated Software Engineering

I am happy to report that the journal version of our paper entitled “Automated Refactoring of Legacy Java Software to Enumerated Types” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Automated Software Engineering.

Received PSC-CUNY Research Award (Traditional A)

I am pleased to announce that I have been awarded a PSC-CUNY Research Award (Traditional A) for research in software refactoring.

Migrate-Skeletal-Implementation-to-Interface-Refactoring: A refactoring prototype plug-in for Eclipse that migrates Java skeletal implementations to enhanced interfaces.

Looking for an open source project to contribute to? Like refactoring and/or code analysis? Like Java? Come check out our new project on GitHub.

Migrate-Skeletal-Implementation-to-Interface-Refactoring – A refactoring prototype plug-in for Eclipse that migrates Java skeletal implementations to enhanced interfaces.

Source: khatchad/Migrate-Skeletal-Implementation-to-Interface-Refactoring: A refactoring prototype plug-in for Eclipse that migrates Java skeletal implementations to enhanced interfaces.

Upcoming Event: Towards Improving Interface Modularity in Legacy Java Software Through Automated Refactoring at the Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

I’ll be giving a talk on improving interface modularity in legacy Java software through automated refactoring at the CST Colloquium next month.

The skeletal implementation pattern is a software design pattern consisting of defining an abstract class that provides a partial interface implementation. However, since Java allows only single cl…

Source: Upcoming Events | Towards Improving Interface Modularity in Legacy Java Software Through Automated Refactoring | Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

Paper at the International Workshop on Language Modularity À La Mode (LaMOD’16)

I am pleased to announce that our paper on improving interface modularity in legacy Java software through automated refactoring has been accepted at the International Workshop on Language Modularity À La Mode (LaMOD’16), to be held at the International Conference on Software Modularity (MODULARITY’16) later next month in Málaga, Spain. Congrats, @oamoore and @hmasuhara!

Call for Applications: LSAMP Spring 2016

The LSAMP program is now accepting applications for Spring 2016. Accepted students will receive up to $5000 to conduct research with a faculty mentor during the Spring 2016 semester and beyond. The deadline to apply is December 14, 2015. If you are interested in applying with myself as a faculty mentor, please complete my informational form. More information is listed below:

The LSAMP program is a NSF funded program that has the objective of increasing the numbers of minority students graduating with degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. The program does this by giving eligible students a stipend and training as they work alongside a CUNY faculty mentor on a research project.

Eligibility and application instructions can be found on the attached pdf file but I still wanted to go over some important steps:

  1. Find a faculty mentor doing research. A list of such faculty mentors can be found here.
  2. Have the mentor agree to take you on in their lab for a research project (spanning 2 months for the summer).
  3. Create a research project with your mentor or work on a project your mentor is currently working on.
  4. Fill out and submit your application.
  5. Send in supporting documents (scanned) to ampcc@ccny.cuny.edu and CC mbennett@citytech.cuny.edu: Updated Transcript, Resume, Birth certificate, Passport or Green Card, Social Security Card.

You will be notified via mail of acceptance.

Please Note: If are interested in applying but do not currently have a mentor, please submit the Phase I application and leave the mentor information and project details parts blank. Once you have confirmed a project mentor and project, they must email the LSAMP office with their project title, project description, mentor’s name, and mentor’s email address. The mentor will then be manually sent the Mentor Endorsement link.

The for applications for Spring 2016 is December 14, 2015. So please be swift!

If you have any other questions do not hesitate to contact Marvin Bennett,  NYCCT AMP Coordinator, mbennett@citytech.cuny.edu, P616, Thurs. 9am-5pm, V806 Weds. 9am-5pm, Phone: 718-260-5529, Fax: 718-260-5524.

Call for Applications: Emerging Scholars, Fall 2015

I am currently seeking students interested in becoming “emerging scholars” this Spring semester and who are interested in programming languages and/or software engineering research.

The research would involve static analysis and program transformation to help maintain existing software systems. The work is normally yields developer tools that are plug-ins to popular IDEs like Eclipse and NetBeans. More information can be found on my research page and, particularly, my software page, which has some examples of previous tools. I would be interested in continuing some work on a refactoring tool that is currently under development.

The application deadline is September 30. Please complete this form if you are interested in applying.