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Program Committee (PC) member for ICSME ’23 doctoral symposium

I am honored to be invited to serve on the Program Committee (PC) for the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME ’23) Doctoral Symposium! The conference will be held in Bogotá, Colombia, from October 1st – 6th, 2023. The Doctoral Symposium track provides an excellent opportunity for Ph.D. students to present and receive feedback on their research work. Please consider submitting! Paper submissions are due July 6, 2023.

Program Committee (PC) member for ICSME ’22 doctoral symposium

I am honored to be invited to serve on the Program Committee (PC) for the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME ’22) Doctoral Symposium! Please consider submitting! Full paper submissions are due July 8, 2022.

Invited to IEEE SCAM ’21 PC

I have been invited to serve on the research track program committee (PC) of the 2021 IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (IEEE SCAM), colocated with ICSME 2021.
