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Tatiana presenting on DL refactoring at ASE ’23

Tatiana presenting at ASE ’23

Slides for ASE ’23 NIER paper on imperative Deep Learning refactoring now available

Slides for our ASE ’23 NIER paper on our ongoing work towards automated refactoring of imperative Deep Learning programs to graph execution are now available. The talk will take place tomorrow at 1:54 pm CEST.


Talk at NEPLS at Harvard University

I gave a talk at the New England Programming Languages and Systems (NEPLS) symposium at Harvard University earlier this month.

Talk at University of Tokyo

On August 18, I visited Professor Shigeru Chiba at the Core Software Group of the Dept. of Creative Informatics Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at The University of Tokyo. I gave a talk about preliminary research in automated refactoring of Deep Learning software.


Visiting Tokyo Tech

Between August 10 to 24, 2022, I visited the Programming Research Group at the Department of Mathematical and Computing Science of the Tokyo Institute of Technology. I gave a seminar talk and discussed current research with the group members. A JSPS BRIDGE fellowship supported this visit, planned initially two years ago. The trip was postponed due to COVID-19 (three times, in fact), but I was happy to have the opportunity to visit Professor Masuhara and his lab.


Slides for ICSE ’22 tool demo on rejuvenating feature logging statement levels now available

Slides for our ICSE ’22 formal tool demonstration on rejuvenating feature logging statement levels iva Git histories and Degree of Interest (DOI) are now available. The live demo will take place tomorrow at 11:45 am EST.

Slides from GMU talk about challenges in executing imperative Deep Learning programs as graphs

Slides from my talk at George Mason University (GMU) on “Challenges in Migrating Imperative Deep Learning Programs to Graph Execution: An Empirical Study” are now available.

“Migrating Imperative Deep Learning Programs to Graph Execution” guest lecture on YouTube

Thanks to Stevens Institute of Technology for posting my guest lecture on imperative Deep Learning program execution to YouTube!

Talk at Stevens Institute of Technology, March 2022

Slides for SANER ’22 talk now available

Slides for our SANER 2022 talk on “Automated Evolution of Feature Logging Statement Levels Using Git Histories and Degree of Interest” are now available!

Video of SANER ’22 talk now available

A video of our IEEE SANER 2022 journal-first track talk on “Automated Evolution of Feature Logging Statement Levels Using Git Histories and Degree of Interest” is now available!