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Alexi Turcotte from Northeastern visits CUNY
Alexi Turcotte (website) from Northeastern University visited CUNY last week and gave a talk on asynchronous JavaScript at our graduate student event at the CUNY Graduate center. Alexi is a 5th year Ph.D. candidate at Northeastern University. Frank Tip and Jan Vitek advise him; with Frank, he works on optimizing asynchronous JavaScript programs; with Jan, he works on fuzzing and type system design for the R programming language. He is interested in anything related to dynamic and data science languages.
The talk, entitled “Detecting and Repairing Anti-Patterns in Asynchronous JavaScript,” was the keynote that kicked off a series of lightning talks by other graduate students. An abstract and photos from the event may be found below. Thank you, Alexi, for visiting CUNY!
(more…)Call for talks: NYPLSE 2019
Talk abstracts now being accepted for the JSPS-sponsored New York Seminar on Programming Languages and Software Engineering 2019 at Hunter College! Please submit your abstract by January 28, 2019, to be considered for a speaking position.
The seminar will be held on February 25, 2019, and will feature several invited speakers, including an information session by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), a keynote talk by Shigeru Chiba from the University of Tokyo, and an invited talk by Baishakhi Ray from Columbia University.
Received JSPS US Alumni Association Seminar Program grant
I am pleased to announce that the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) US Alumni Association (AA) has generously awarded a grant to host a seminar on programming languages and software engineering in New York City! Plans are currently in the works for a seminary to be held in early 2019. Stay tuned!
Now taking applications for the Hunter College Cyber Security Summer Camp 2018
I am pleased to announce that our Cyber Security Summer Camp 2018 at Hunter College is now taking applications! The two-week instructional camp will be taught by myself and Prof. Debroy. The camp is free to attend and includes a stipend among other benefits.
Hunter College Cyber Security Summer Camp 2018 is a FREE, two-week, full-day summer program providing an introduction to cyber security.
The program is open to all Hunter non-CS women students who will be sophomores in Fall 2018. No background or experience in cyber security or computer programming is needed in order to apply, only your interest and enthusiasm.
via Hunter College Cyber Security Summer Camp 2018 – August 6-17, 2018 (not including weekends)
Fall Research Mixer! | Undergraduate Research
Calling all researchers and future researchers! The Undergraduate Research Committee hosts a research mixer each semester to help students and faculty meet to hear about the exciting research conducted within the City Tech community and to plan for future partnerships. Plus, there will be snacks and raffle prizes!
This semester, the mixer is on Wednesday, 12/2, from 3:00-5:00pm in Namm 119.
City Tech’s Graduate School Fair | Undergraduate Research
- Various schools and programs
- The benefits of a graduate degree
- Scholarships and fellowships
- Admissions requirements
Source: City Tech’s Graduate School Fair | Undergraduate Research