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New doctoral student Benjamin Prud’homme starts Fall 2023

A new doctoral student, Benjamin Prud’homme, will join the team starting this Fall semester! Benjamin will enter the Ph.D. program in Computer Science at the CUNY Graduate Center as a CUNY Graduate Center Fellow (GCF).

Benjamin received his bachelor’s degree from Vassar College in 2022, where he was a double major in computer science and mathematics and did a correlate (minor) in music performance (classical guitar and voice). He has research experience in building and optimizing algorithms for working with simple temporal networks. His current interests lie at the intersection of software engineering, machine learning, and data science.

Benjamin is very excited to be pursuing his PhD in New York, where he has lived for the past 18 years! Benjamin has studied classical guitar since he was six years old, and plays guitar in various ensembles as well as a guitar orchestra. He also enjoys choral singing and has been a soloist with the Hudson Valley BachFest, the Vassar Chamber Singers, and the New Amsterdam Singers. In his free time, Benjamin enjoys working on pop/rock covers and watching/cheering on the New York Giants and Yankees, as well as the US Women’s National Soccer Team. Welcome to the team, Benjamin!

Paper on actor mutation testing accepted at ESE/FSE ’23

Our paper entitled, “μAkka: Mutation testing for actor concurrency in Akka using real-world bugs,” has been accepted without major revisions to the main technical research track at the 2023 ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)! Out of 473 submissions, 60 were accepted without major revisions, amounting to a 12.68% acceptance rate. The conference will take place later this year in San Francisco. Congratulations to all the authors, especially Mohsen, for your hard work!

Program Committee (PC) member for ESEC/FSE ’23 demonstrations

I am excited and honored to serve as a program committee member for the ESEC/FSE 2023 formal tool demonstrations track. Please consider submitting! The deadline is May 11.

Program Committee (PC) member for ICSME ’23 doctoral symposium

I am honored to be invited to serve on the Program Committee (PC) for the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME ’23) Doctoral Symposium! The conference will be held in Bogotá, Colombia, from October 1st – 6th, 2023. The Doctoral Symposium track provides an excellent opportunity for Ph.D. students to present and receive feedback on their research work. Please consider submitting! Paper submissions are due July 6, 2023.

Former Ph.D. student Yiming Tang accepts tenure-track Assistant Professor position at RIT

Photo of Yiming Tang
Former student Yiming Tang.

Former Ph.D. student Yiming Tang will begin as a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Software Engineering department starting in Fall 2023! Yiming was previously at Concordia University in Canada’s Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE). RIT is a central research institution for Software Engineering. Congrats, Yiming, and welcome back to New York!

Invited to GPCE ’23 PC

I have been invited to serve as a program committee (PC) member for the 2023 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE).


Reviewer for Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) 2023 BRIDGE Fellowship

I am honored to be invited as a reviewer for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) 2023 BRIDGE fellowship program. JSPS is analogous to the NSF in the United States. The JSPS BRIDGE fellowship enables alumni of past JSPS programs to revisit host researchers in Japan.

Alexi Turcotte from Northeastern visits CUNY

Alexi Turcotte (website) from Northeastern University visited CUNY last week and gave a talk on asynchronous JavaScript at our graduate student event at the CUNY Graduate center. Alexi is a 5th year Ph.D. candidate at Northeastern University. Frank Tip and Jan Vitek advise him; with Frank, he works on optimizing asynchronous JavaScript programs; with Jan, he works on fuzzing and type system design for the R programming language. He is interested in anything related to dynamic and data science languages.

The talk, entitled “Detecting and Repairing Anti-Patterns in Asynchronous JavaScript,” was the keynote that kicked off a series of lightning talks by other graduate students. An abstract and photos from the event may be found below. Thank you, Alexi, for visiting CUNY!


Talk at NEPLS at Harvard University

I gave a talk at the New England Programming Languages and Systems (NEPLS) symposium at Harvard University earlier this month.

Reviewer for Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE)

I am pleased to announce that I have been asked to review for the Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE) international journal!
