I am honored to receive a distinguished reviewer award for serving on the research track of the 2021 IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (IEEE SCAM ’21). Thank you to the general chair, Alexander Serebrenik, and the program chairs, Venera Arnaoudova and Ben Hermann. The research track program committee consisted of 43 members, of which 7 awards were distributed.

The aim of the International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis & Manipulation (SCAM) is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on theory, techniques, and applications which concern analysis and/or manipulation of the source code of computer systems. It is co-located with the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2021). Although the event was originally scheduled to take place in Luxembourg, due to COVID-19, the event is taking place virtually. The research track featured 14 accepted papers; other tracks include new ideas and engineering papers. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering and supported by GrammaTech and Facebook.