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Tag Archives: award
Received distinguished reviewer award at GPCE ’21
I am honored to receive the distinguished reviewer award for the 2021 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE ’21). Thank you to the general chair, Eli Tilevich, the program chair, Coen De Rover, and the steering committee chair, Sebastian Erdwg. The program committee consisted of 30 members.

Received Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud credits for research
I am excited to announce that I have received $1,500 from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Credits for Research Program. (more…)
Received PSC-CUNY Enhanced Research Award
I am pleased to announce that I have recently received a PSC-CUNY Enhanced Research Award for a project entitled, “Safe and Efficient Parallelism via Collection API Ordering Inference.” (more…)
Received ACM SIGSOFT CAPS travel award
I am pleased to announce that I have received an ACM SIGSOFT CAPS professional travel award to attend the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2019.
Received CUNY Academy Stewart Travel Award for Assistant Professors
I am pleased to announce that I have been selected to receive the CUNY Academy Stewart Travel Award for Assistant Professors for the 2018-2019 academic year.
Received PSC-CUNY Enhanced Research Award
I am pleased to announce that I have recently received a PSC-CUNY Enhanced Research Award for a project entitled, “Analyses and Automated Refactorings for Imperative Programs that Use Functional Features.” The award amount is $12,000 and will help support students and travel. The award program is an internal funding mechanism to help promote research at CUNY. A brief abstract of the proposal is listed below:
Imperative programming uses statements to alter a program’s state, whereas functional programming avoids mutating existing data. With the recent popularity rise of functional programming, imperative languages are increasingly incorporating new functional features, enabling developers not previously familiar with functional programming to enjoy many of its benefits. Despite the advantages, however, issues arise from the interplay between the two paradigms, particular regarding involving MapReduce-style operations. This project will address these problems by formulating a theoretical foundation for the analysis and refactoring of hybrid functional/imperative programs and subsequently used to identify code that may safely be refactored for performance gains. Based on typestate analysis, it will determine when it is advantageous and safe to run hybrid code in parallel via a novel ordering inference approach that the PI will introduce. This work will advance the state-of-the-art in program analysis and automated refactoring for this mixed paradigm.
Received Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Credits for Research Program Grant as sole investigator
I am excited to announce that I have received a grant in the amount of $800 from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Credits for Research Program as the sole investigator of a project entitled, “Analyses and Automated Refactorings for Imperative Programs that Use Functional Features.”
Received Hunter College Faculty Research Fellowship
I am pleased to announce that I have recently received a Hunter College Faculty Research Fellowship for 2017. The fellowship is designed to support faculty development by providing research guidance and planning, peer support, and constructive peer review.
Received PSC-CUNY Research Award (Traditional A)
I am pleased to announce that I have recently received a PSC-CUNY Research Award (Traditional A) for research in software analysis and transformation.
Awarded Research Foundation of CUNY Faculty Research Travel Program
I am pleased to announce that I have been granted a Research Foundation of CUNY Faculty Research Travel Program award.