Yiming receives postdoctoral research fellowship from Concordia University

Yiming has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) of Concordia University in Canada, a central research institution in the field of Software Engineering and Programming Languages. Yiming will be working with Weiyi Shang. Congrats, Yiming!
New student Ye joins the team

Please welcome Ye Paing to the team! Ye is a part-time Master’s student in Computer Science at Hunter; he works full-time as a Software Engineer at AMEX. He is interested in exploring reactive web development for data-intensive applications, NLP, and large-scale textual analysis. Outside of work and school, he spends time volunteering for Code Nation, a nonprofit organization that teaches React web-development to high school students. His hobbies are photography, traveling, and exploring new cuisines.
Ye has taken several advanced classes in Programming Languages and Software Engineering at Hunter. He was also an active participant at NYPLSE 2019 that took place at Hunter. Ye will be working on data mining software engineering artifacts, possibly in real-time. Welcome, Ye!
New student Manal joins the team
We have a new master’s student, Manal Zneit, joining us! Manal has a background in Mathematics, and she is now pursuing a degree in Computer Science. Manal is also an adjunct lecturer at CUNY Lehman College, where she teaches various introductory programming classes. She will be working on research at the intersection of Software Engineering, Programming Languages, and Data Science. Welcome, Manal!
Yiming passes the second exam
I am pleased to announce that my doctoral student Yiming Tang has successfully passed her second exam. She is now a Ph.D. candidate. Congrats, Yiming! And, thank you to the committee, Ashwin Satyanarayana and Subash Shankar!
Allan successfully defends his thesis
Congrats to Allan Spektor for successfully defending his MA thesis, entitled Two Techniques for Automated Logging Statement Evolution, yesterday! Thank you to Subash Shankar and Saptarshi Debroy for agreeing to participate on the committee, Khant Ko Naing for administering the defense, and the student participants for their insightful questions. Congrats, Allan!

New doctoral student Tatiana Castro Vélez starts Fall 2020

A new doctoral student, Tatiana Castro Vélez, will join the team starting this Fall semester! Tatiana will enter the Ph.D. program in Computer Science at the CUNY Graduate Center as a CUNY Graduate Center/Hunter College Computer Science fellow.
Tatiana is currently completing her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras. She has worked as a software engineer in the industry at Rocksolid Technologies, where she worked with the company’s databases. Tatiana also has research experience in investigating the use of mobile app frameworks to collect data in general research projects and is president of her ACM student chapter.
Annie accepted to Yale University
Annie Wang, a Hunter High School student, working in our lab, was just accepted to Yale University! We are very proud of Annie and her work. Annie worked with me during the NYU GSTEM program last summer and has continued her work into the Fall semester. Congrats, Annie!
NYU GSTEM students visit during the summer
Krishna Desai and Annie Wang will be joining our research group this summer through the NYU GSTEM program. NYU GSTEM is a summer program for high school juniors that allows them to participate in research laboratories. The program is offered by the NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and helps promote STEM to traditionally underrepresented groups, particularly, females and minorities.
Krishna Desai is a rising senior at Nutley High School. She has a great interest in Computer Science and is hoping to pursue a career in that field.
Annie Wang is a rising senior at Hunter College High School. Since a young age, she had a great interest in STEM, which, as she grew older, took shape in her deep passion for scientific research and coding, fueled on by the gender gap in Computer Science. She has a variety of research experiences, from working at a biochemistry lab to an immunology lab to a computer science lab, where she is currently working on a study involving Java 8 Streams, a popular streaming API. When she isn’t working, Annie can be found reading, taking walks, writing, or listening to K-pop.
New bachelors student Walee Ahmed joins the team
A new bachelors student, Walee Ahmed, joins our team this Fall semester! Walee is a Hunter College Computer Science student set to graduate in 2019. He has already finished a BA in psychology! He also really enjoys various hackathons around the northeast. Welcome, Walee!
New doctoral student Harun Iftikhar to join in Fall 2018
A new doctoral student, Harun Iftikhar, will join our team starting this Fall semester! Harun will enter the PhD program in Computer Science at the CUNY Graduate Center as a half CUNY Graduate Center Science Fellow, which offers salary for two years and tuition for ten semesters.
Harun’s research interests are in programming languages, software engineering, and natural language processing. He previously attended Cornell University for his undergraduate degree as an English major and has attended Brooklyn College and Columbia University for Computer Science as a graduate student. Before college, he went to high school in Islamabad, Pakistan. His hobbies are cricket and tennis. Congrats, Harun, and welcome to the team!