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Paper accepted at FASE 2020

Our paper on an empirical study of streaming APIs has been accepted to the International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2020)!

Paper on big data developers accepted at ESEC/FSE 2019

Our new paper entitled, “Going Big: a Large-scale Study on What Big Data Developers Ask” has been accepted to the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) 2019 technical track! Out of 303 submissions, 74 papers were accepted (an acceptance rate of 24.4%). The conference will be held in Tallinn, Estonia later this year.

Paper on stream parallelization refactoring accepted at ICSE 2019

Our new paper entitled, “Safe Automated Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 Streams” has been accepted to the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2019 technical track! Out of 529 submissions, 109 papers were accepted (an acceptance rate of 20.6%). The conference will be held in Montréal later next year. An abstract is listed below. (more…)

Paper accepted at IEEE SCAM 2018

Our paper entitled, “A Tool for Optimizing Java 8 Stream Software via Automated Refactoring,” has been accepted in the Engineering Track of the 18th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2018), to be held in Madrid, Spain in September. An abstract of the paper is listed below: (more…)

Poster and extended abstract accepted at ICSE 2018

I am pleased to announce that our poster and extended abstract entitled, “Poster: Towards safe refactoring for intelligent parallelization of Java 8 streams” has been accepted at the International Conference on Software Engineering 2018! The extended abstract will appear in the conference proceedings companion, and the poster will be presented later this year in Gothenburg, Sweden. It is the first author’s, Yiming Tang, my first-year PhD student at the CUNY Graduate Center, first publication while at CUNY. Congrats, Yiming!

Paper accepted at ‹Programming› 2018

I am pleased to announce that our paper entitled, “Proactive empirical assessment of new language feature adoption via automated refactoring: The case of Java 8 default methods,”  has been accepted at the 2018 International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (‹Programming› 2018)! The conference will take place in Nice, France later this year. (more…)

Tool demonstration accepted at ASE 2017

Our tool demonstration paper entitled “Defaultification Refactoring: A Tool for Automatically Converting Java Methods to Default” has been accepted for publication at the 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2017)! The peer-reviewed paper will appear in the IEEE digitial library. A video version of the demonstration is available on YouTube.

Paper on Pointcut Change Prediction accepted to Science of Computer Programming

Our (full) paper on Pointcut Change Prediction has been accepted for publication in the Journal on the Science of Computer Programming. A shorter version of the paper appeared in ASE 2015.

Paper on Default Method Refactoring accepted at ICSE 2017

Our new paper on default method refactoring has been accepted for inclusion in the proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, to be held in Buenos Aires in 2017! The conference accepted a total of 68 submissions out of 398 reviewed (17%) and 415 submitted (16%).

Journal version of Automated Refactoring of Legacy Software to Enumerated Types to appear in Automated Software Engineering

I am happy to report that the journal version of our paper entitled “Automated Refactoring of Legacy Java Software to Enumerated Types” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Automated Software Engineering.